What do you want to do
before you die?
"Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone."
- Neale Donald Walsch
- Neale Donald Walsch
What do you want to do before you die?
When do you want to do it?
My WAY |
My Storyboard |
#4. Time-travel to celebrate New Year's Eve twice #6. Play soccer with locals in Argentina #12. Adopt a rescue animal #14. Compete on reality TV [read more] #16. Join an Improv Everywhere #19. Turn $1,000 into $10,000 within one weekend [read more] #20. Hitchhike #21. Pick up a hitchhiker #22. Deliver a TED talk [read more] #26. Learn to speak Spanish fluently #28. Take a pill in Ibiza [read more] #29. Grab a beer with the guys from The Buried Life [read more] #31. Discover my own personal "7 Natural Wonders of the World" #34. Witness a miracle #37. Crash a wedding |
Completion Date: 10/20/20 Location: China Walls, Oahu, HI Partners:@gnarlee.alex, @dadanksjt, @pheeeezy Completion Date: 6/6/21 Location: Pacific Coast Highway, CA Partners:@clarkster6 |