Completion Date: 8/19/2021 | Location: Oceanside, CA [via GoJump] | Partners: @rmeraz66 and @2bermz
Inspiration: This is what the project is really all about. In the long run, I want to be able to help others do the things that they’ve always wanted to do, but just haven't yet gotten around to doing. Maybe someday I can sustain a living from doing that, but for now I just want to focus on helping at least ONE person. And then, with time, I can help more. Skydive Company: GoJump America (highly recommend) Cost: ~$300/person for 13,000 ft drop + GoPro pictures and video What's the story? On my 30th birthday, I posted an Instagram story asking people to share, "what's on your [bucket] list?" I got 50+ responses, with all kinds of really cool goals. The most common ones were to write a book, move to a different country, start their own business, or learn a new skill/language. And Robert, a friend from my freshman year of college, simply replied with "Sky dive." Months later, on June 26, 2021, I texted him asking if he still wanted to go skydiving. One minute later he responded with, "Oh fuck. I’m scared as shit about it but I’d be down man." And the rest is history! We locked in a date, then had to change locations at the last minute, but still made it happen. And somehow along the way, we convinced Berman to join in on the fun.