Inspiration: I’ve been told by numerous people, mostly strangers, that I look like Joseph Gordon-Levitt; that he's my doppelgänger. I've always thought that it'd be a fun, harmless prank if I could tell people that we're actually related, and when they don't believe me, I'd pull up a selfie of us just hanging out. What happened? I signed up for an account with HITRECORD, a very cool initiative that Joe started during the pandemic to provide folks with a creative outlet amidst the feelings of isolation during life in lockdown. I would receive various email updates from "Joe" and I followed along for a few months. Finally, once I felt I'd shown enough authenticity in my project, I responded to one of the emails with a request to take a selfie with Joe. I had to followup twice, but finally got a response from the Support team (last email exchange below). Although it wasn't the response I wanted, I'll keep working at it and hopefully get it done one day!